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Some of the posts on my blog contain affiliate links. If you purchase anything from my affiliate link I might get a small commission, however, this DOES NOT result in any additional charges to you. Some posts may not mention they have affiliate links. All affiliate money earned goes towards keeping this blog running. Thanks for all of your support! It means more to me than you'll ever know :)


Please read the full instructions before starting any DIY project or tutorial. Please remember, this blog is for entertainment purposes only (sharing my DIY journey). Build and DIY at your own risk.. remember to craft responsibly (no, but seriously, use common sense). I will not be responsible for any injury or damage that occurs while following a tutorial from my site. None of my posts should be considered expert advice. Please consult a professional when needed. All projects performed following instructions from my DIYs, tutorials, or furthermore any side effects are done at your own risk. Read product instruction manuals when needed and take all safety precautions.